Fiona 的留學 Q&A
Question: Level of degree那欄,我是應該要選"1st degree of a university/college outside the EU'' 還是 "Graduate diploma from a university/ college outside Europe"呢? 然後第二個問題是 University webside address應該就是指學校的網址吧? 最後一個問題是Principle subjects那個欄位,有Major和Single,我是讀XX系,沒有其他輔系或是雙主修,那我應該要選哪一個呢? 不好意思問題有點多>< 深怕填錯~~~ 謝謝妳!!!! Fiona's answer: 第一個問題: 所謂 First Degree 通常就是指大學學歷。 An undergraduate degree (also called first degree, bachelor's degree or simply degree) is a colloquial term for an academic degree taken by a person who has completed undergraduatecourses. It is usually offered at an institution of higher education, such as a university. The most common type of this degree is the bachelor's degree, which typically takes at least three or four years to complete.[1] These degrees can be categorised as basic degrees.[2] Graduate Diploma 蠻複雜的,各國定義不太一樣。有可能是指「學士後但又沒有到碩士程度的學位」,也可以是「碩士跟博士中間的學位」,也可能是指任何研究所學位。 A graduate diploma (GradD, GDip, GrDip, GradDip) is generally a qualification taken after completion of a first degree, although the level of study varies in different countries from being at the same level as the final year of a bachelor's degree to being at a level between a master's degree and a doctorate. In some countries the graduate diploma and postgraduate diploma are synonymous, while in others (particularly where the graduate diploma is at undergraduate degree level) the postgraduate diploma is a higher qualification. 以英國來說: In the UK, a graduate diploma is a short course at the level of a bachelor's degree that is normally studied by students who have already graduated in another field. Graduate diplomas are distinguished from graduate certificates by having a longer period of study, equivalent to two thirds of an academic year or more.[6] Graduate diplomas should not be confused with a postgraduate diploma, which is a master's degree-level qualification. Historically, this has not always been the case, with postgraduate diploma and graduate diploma used interchangeably, but the Quality Assurance Agency now makes a clear distinction between these titles.[7] Some institutions have renamed courses as a result, e.g. The College of Law renamed the official title for its law conversion course from Postgraduate Diploma in Law to Graduate Diploma in Law as, although the law conversion course is studied postgraduately, the contents of the course are only undergraduate in nature. 以美國來說: In the US, graduate diplomas are "Intermediate Graduate Qualifications" involving study beyond master's level but not reaching PhD level. They are generally found in professional, rather than academic, fields. Other qualifications at this level include advanced graduate certificates, specialist certificates and specialist degrees.[19] 我們台灣的學位比較好分,大致上就是學士 First Degree,再來就是碩士 Master's Degree,再來就是博士 Doctoral Degree,不太會錯掉。 台灣的學位比較複雜的是五專、二技、四技等等。 第二個問題: University webside address就是學校的網址正確。 第三個問題: Principal Subjects是什麼意思,可以看這個例子: 學位是 Master’s degree in Public Administration,Principal Subjects包含:Public Administration; Economics, Public Policy, Organizational Theory, Budget and Finance, Public Relations, Statistics, Human Resources Management etc. Major意思是你主修某某科,Single是指你單修一個課程。比如說如果你大學是唸會計系的,那就會填 Accounting Major。如果大學是唸財金系,但有修一門會計會程,則是填 Accounting Single。
28/11/2018 06:22:34 pm
您好,打擾了,最近在填研究所的申請表,裡面有一項是要寫Exact name of qualification,查了好久還是不確定是要填什麼,不知Fiona是否可以說一下這到底是要填什麼?
29/11/2018 10:11:56 am
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