通常動機是寫在第一段,當一個開場白,說明為什麼會對這間學校的這個系所有興趣。 寫動機的重點有兩個:
所謂動機就是你的興趣的意思是,動機是回答:「為什麼過去做了這些事,為什麼要申請這個系或所?」正確的答案只有一個:「因為我有興趣」。真實的答案可能有很多,因為學校漂亮、學校排名好、有獎學金、男朋友或女朋友在那邊唸、爸媽叫我申請這間、好申請、代辦推薦的、未來比較好賺等等。但寫在SOP之中,只能說「因為我有興趣」。 但是你對很多事情都有興趣,不見得每一個你都想正式的唸或當職業。這時就引到第二個重點,動機需要承過去的經驗,啟未來的計畫。所謂承過去的經驗,就是你的動機跟過去經驗的關係,過去經驗如何引領你現在想要申請這間學校的這個系所。所謂啟未來的計畫就是,動機跟你的未來計畫有什麼樣的關係。動機是全文貫穿的主軸。 如果動機寫的不是你的興趣,像是只是純粹職業發展的考量,聽起來就會冷冰冰的,沒有研究的熱情。英文的動機是motivation,有熱情就是很motivated。 如果動機沒有承過去經驗、啟未來計畫的話,會變成過去的經驗是過去的經驗,跟現在的申請、未來的計畫通通都沒有關係,各自獨立,沒有形成文章一體的感覺。 同學可能受到我們傳統教育的影響,唸完大學就很自然的要唸碩士,唸完碩士也很自然的唸博士,或是工作一陣子想回學校再拿一個學位,就是為了未來能找到更好的工作。動機很簡單,多唸點書是上進努力的好事,整個社會都這樣鼓勵,問為什麼要深造,就像在問為什麼要吃飯一樣白痴。 西方世界雖然也很看重教育,但是比較沒有華人這種教育至上,只有讀書才是王道的想法。要繼續求學是要有一定的決心的。而且西方教育比較重視個人的想法跟決定,所以為什麼「你」決定要繼續求學,或是為什麼「你」決定要找什麼樣的工作、做什麼樣的事,都是你的自由。不像華人世界,反正唸書就是「正途」,沒什麼好解釋動機不動機的。 ----- 以下為問題寫法範例: I am applying to Creative Writing because I have always liked writing short stories since I was a child. I continued to write many stories throughout junior high school and high school. Majoring in English Literature in university, I took many creative writing courses to further improve my writing skills. I am applying to the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing Program at ABC University because I believe your training can help me write better. My goal is to become a professional writer. The program is where I can challenge myself and hone my writing skills. 以下一一說明這個例子的寫法的問題點:
例子中的同學是申請Creative Writing,但是什麼科系都會出現這樣的寫法。申請Computer Science的就會說: I am applying to Computer Science because I have always liked computers since I was a child. I competed in many contests throughout junior high school and high school. Majoring in Computer Science in university, I took many computer science courses to further improve my computer skills. I am applying to the Master of Science in Computer Science Program at ABC University because I believe your training can improve my technical skills. My goal is to become a software engineer. The program is where I can challenge myself and hone my skills. 改寫的方式是對照三種常見問題一一改善:
---------- 另一種寫法是練功打boss寫法。這種寫法就是把過去的經驗列出來,等級愈練愈高,練到一定的程度來打學校這隻boss。 這種寫法的優點為:
In high school, I was ranked top of my class. I scored 100 in both Physics and Mathematics in the University Entrance Exam. In my sophomore year, I competed in a national physics competition with over 500 competitors and won first place. Eventually, I graduated from university with a GPA of 3.98/4.0. For the above reasons, I believe I will do well in your graduate school. 上面這個例子之中,同學把自己從高中到大學的強項一排寫出來,變成流水帳,而且動機不明確。 動機不是「過去一向來都很強,所以現在申請很強的學校繼續證明自己很強」。這個寫法把動機等同於能力的累積。動機應該是興趣。 由於練功打boss寫法是把過去的強處一一寫出來,很容易寫成「這個很強,那個很強,那個也很強」,評審看了可能覺得很厭煩。寫的時候語氣要注意,講述經驗強項的目的是證明興趣,不是證明自己很強。 改寫的方式為寫出為什麼對Physics有興趣,是什麼樣的課程,什麼樣的研究計畫讓你想申請物理所?動機就是興趣。動機是貫穿全文的主軸。過去考了這些試,比了這些賽,為的是什麼?正解就是「因為對物理有興趣」。現在為什麼要申請物理所?正解就是「因為對物理有興趣」。過去的所有經驗出發點就是動機,動機就是興趣。講述這些經驗是為了證明你對物理的興趣,不是用來證明你物理很強。 接下來的例子是一位唸完碩士想申請博士的同學寫的,動機就是:「希望能延續之前的研究,做XXX研究」。 The crucial reason for me to apply for a PhD in XXX is my research experience in [research areas A, B, and C]. . . . [details on research experience in areas A, B, and C] . . . I would like to continue pursuing the research I did in my [master’s or university degree] and work on [research areas D and E]. 這種寫法動機紮不紮實,就是看研究經驗紮不紮實。動機段落可以很簡短的交待研究經驗,標出大重點,像是研究領域或是成果。接下來各段細講研究經驗的時候,就需要很深入的說明研究目的、過程、結果、成果。只要接下來的段落講述研究經驗紮實,動機就會紮實。 這種寫法不需要很熱血的講「我覺得某科目是全世界最有趣的科目」或是「我對某科目非常有興趣」。興趣是直接透過你做了什麼研究來證明。如果研究計畫夠進階,呈述得夠深入,動機就會紮實。如果接下來的段落呈述研究經驗時很籠統,或是所謂研究只是大學時修了幾門很基礎的課,說服力就會下降。 下面這個例子是有工作經驗,想回去唸碩士的同學寫的: When I graduated from university, I entered a law firm and gained three years of work experience. I later decided I wanted to work in the legal department of an NGO and support the development of the semiconductor industry with my legal expertise. I was in charge of drafting and reviewing contracts, settling legal disputes, and offering legal consultation. It was a new challenge since it was much different from my job at a law firm. Since all I knew was law theory, it was difficult to offer suitable advice when I did not have sufficient background knowledge of my clients’ business model and technology. I was not able to cover all the risks. Thus I always asked my colleagues and other experts and conducted research online. Moreover, I needed to have an understanding of governmental policies. Finally, I had to think about how to give easy to understand and useful advice. At first I did not do my job well but I am now a mentor who can give new staff members training. I now have the ability to consider issues from a wide number of perspectives. I feel confident about pursuing a career in this area. This is why I am applying to your program. 上面這個例子想表達的是艱苦的練功的過程,從大學開始講,一個經驗一個經驗講下去,遇到什麼問題、克服什麼、學到什麼,看起來非常的詳細,最後接到動機,看起來也順理成章。 這個寫法的問題是像流水帳,而且動機不明確。 講了非常多經驗,經驗也都圍繞一個很大的主題 (法律),但是經驗之間的連結以及這些經驗跟動機是什麼關係沒交待清楚。 目前的寫法動機是:「獲得A經驗、B經驗、C經驗、D經驗,克服困難1、困難2、困難3,我準備好了,因此來申請你們學校。」 動機不能等於能力的累積。動機是回答為什麼你會累積出這麼多工作經驗?為什麼挑這些工作來做?做了這麼多是為了什麼?動機是興趣。 動機應該是:「我未來想做的工作是to provide technology law consultation」。 動機要承過去經驗,要啟未來計畫。過去的經驗都朝向to provide technology law consultation方向前進。這位同學也不是一開始就知道自己想要to provide technology law consultation,而是一個從law到technology law的過程。 大學唸法律 → law firm work experience → NGO law experience → NGO technology law experience → semiconductor company technology law experience → (future) to provide technology law consultation 現在申請這間學校是因為未來希望能夠 to provide technology law consultation。 改寫後: I am applying to your program because I am pursuing a career in technology law consultation. I have a background in law, having studied law in university, and work experience in legal consultation and more specifically, technology law consultation. In terms of my academic qualifications, I graduated from university with a GPA of 3.84/4.0 and successfully passed the bar exam in 2010. As for legal consultation, I have three years’ work experience in a law firm, two years’ experience as a legal advisor in an NGO, and one year’s experience as a legal advisor in ABC, a semiconductor company. I first became interested in technology law when I was working in the NGO. I supported the development of the semiconductor sector with my legal expertise. I learned about my clients’ business models and gained basic knowledge of the semiconductor industry through doing my own research and learning from technology experts in the organization. With my legal expertise and basic understanding of the semiconductor industry, I was offered a job to work as a legal advisor in ABC. I decided I would pursue a career in technology law consultation since this is an area where Taiwanese companies fall behind their international counterparts. I need more training in X, Y, and Z. This is why I am applying to your program. ---------- 還有一種寫法就是「我申請唸XX系所,因為XX科目是最有用,最有效,最有志向,對人類最有貢獻,對YYY最有幫助的科目」。 申請財金就說「因為財金關係到全世界全人類的活動,了解財金相關的XXX就能夠了解YYY,所以XXX最重要,所以我想唸XXX」。 申請英國文學就說「因為英文是全世界最重要、最國際化的語言,了解英國文學就了解西方文化」。 申請物理就說「因為宇宙萬物都由物理原理支配,了解物理就可以了解全宇宙」。 申請基因學就說「因為基因學是對醫療貢獻最多的學科,我想做最有貢獻的事,所以選最有貢獻最有用的科目」。 這種講法蠻武斷的,而且對你選的學科做一個有多少貢獻的評斷,也同時是在說別人唸的科目比較沒有用,貢獻沒有你的學科貢獻高,這不是很學術、中立的語氣。而且你的文件是拿給本科系的教授看的,都在這個學科當上教授了,當然覺得這個學科「很好用、很重要」,不需要講給教授聽。 教授想知道的是為什麼「你」有興趣。 為什麼世界上這麼多「很有用、很重要」的科目之中,「你」挑這個來唸? ------------------ 動機要如何寫才會打動評審?可參考這個網站的 cover letter 的範例。Cover letter 的用意是求職的時候,跟讀者說明為什麼你適合這個工作,如何有興趣,寫的用意跟留學申請的 statement 中的動機說明是一樣的。 www.themuse.com/advice/31-attentiongrabbing-cover-letter-examples
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