學校的SOP內容說明往往會講到要give evidence of your skills and experience或是show us how your experience relates to the subject you are interested in studying。所謂的give evidence 或show us your skill或demonstrate your skill意思都是要「具體」證明你的經驗跟能力。 除了學術或專業能力,學校常常會要求申請者說明自己的transferable skills,像是leadership, problem solving, communication, teamwork, interpersonal relationship, client relationship management, analytical skills等等。 說明自己的能力的時候,不是能力列愈多愈好。一整排寫下來,說自己全都有,評審不見得相信。能力不能你說了算,要證明出來。證明的方式愈具體愈好。有學術或工作成果,尤其是有數據的時候,是最好寫的。沒有成果沒有數據的時候,就要用例子證明。能力寧願寫得少而深入,千萬不要多而淺。一個能力深入寫一整段,比三四個能力一個能力只寫一句話要好。 這一篇文章講的是什麼叫「具體證明」以及如何用STAR Method來具體證明能力經驗。 通常同學的文章在證明能力經驗的時候會出現三種問題:
STAR Method是申請工作面試時給例子的一種方式,用在留學文件中證明能力也是一個很好用的方法。 STAR Method分四個項目:Situation, Task, Action, Result。 Situation背景:這個能力是什麼狀況之下獲得的?學校的課程、研究計畫、工作項目、打工、志工、社團?如果是課程,課程名稱,主題是什麼?如果是研究計畫,是教授的研究計畫,你是擔任研究助理?或是這是你自己的研究計畫?或是這是實驗室一起合作的計畫?如果是工作項目,你當時是什麼職位,負責什麼?除了你之外,還有誰做什麼項目?如果是社團活動,是什麼樣的社團什麼樣的活動?先交待背景讓評審了解一個大概。通常Situation只寫一句。Situation就是交待big picture的句子。 Task目的:這個經驗的主要目的是什麼?如果是學術活動,研究的目的什麼?要回答什麼樣的research question?如果是工作經驗,這個計畫的目的是什麼?增加效售量?找到更有效率的生產方式?如果是社團的活動,這個活動的目的是什麼?幫助弱勢族群?增加社團招生人數? Action執行項目:實際做了什麼事,愈紮實詳細愈好。如果是學術活動,不要只寫「深入分析了一些資料」、「學到很多很重要的事情」、「經過不斷的溝通合作找出最佳解決方法」、或是「發現XXX」(然後XXX是很普通很common sense的東西)。如果是工作經驗,不要只寫「做了非常多的交叉分析」、「跟各部門多次協調」、或是「確實執行上頭交待的任務」。這些講法沒有細節都非常的空洞。另外很重要的一點,如果是團隊一起完成的活動,要說明自己負責的部份是什麼,有什麼樣的貢獻。不要從頭到尾都是we,好像你剛好在對的時間出現在對的地點而已,沒有任何貢獻。 Result結果:如果是研究結果,有發表papers寫發表了什麼,哪一個期刊。如果是修課,寫最後的成績以及排名。如果是工作表現,寫業績、升職、客戶滿意度、新方法較之前進步多少等等。有數據寫數據,有得獎或升職也可以寫出來,最好是有一個跟同學同事的比較。寫結果的時候,要記得要讓評審看得懂。像是你寫客戶滿意度為85%,評審不見得知道這多好多壞。可能你們公司人人都80%以上,所以85%排名算是中下。也可能滿意度通常只有60%,你一個人之力進步到85%那就很驚人。或者你寫你拿到公司的某某獎,但只給獎的名稱,評審不知道這是什麼獎,是參加獎那種程度,還是全公司表現最好的人才會拿到,還是全國比下來只有幾個人拿到的獎?或者你某個課程拿到75分,評審不知道75分多高多低。如果全班一半以上都被當掉,75分是全班第一名,那就一定得說明那門課很難,75分是全班第一名。 STAR Method通常用在主體段落,也就是非introduction,也非conclusion,而是中間的幾段。STAR Method通常是接在topic sentence之後,用在給證明或例子,證明topic sentence中說的是真的。 用STAR Method呈述學術經驗 同學在寫學術經驗的時候,常常會一下子殺進去,沒有交待背景就講細節,或是只說「我們做了非常深入非常透徹的分析」,但是如何個深入法如何個透徹法,甚至連研究主題是什麼,做什麼都沒有寫,只寫很深入卻不知道是深入什麼,讓評審摸不著頭腦。 Situation:最常見的寫法是寫「我在某年於某機構/大學擔任某職位」。這只是CV上的學歷或研究經驗重講一次,並沒有給一個big picture。Big picture要包含研究題目。Situation要交待具體內容。研究題目是什麼?什麼狀況之下做的?國科會的計畫?大學報告或論文?碩士報告或論文?投期刊的paper?教授的研究計畫,自己是擔任RA?實驗室的計畫?個人的計畫?團體的計畫?比如說可以寫: As a [job position], I was working on [research topic/research project]. 或是 To conduct research on [research topic] for my master’s dissertation, I did . . . Task:用一句話說明研究目的。Task不要只寫研究題目,意思是不是只有名詞。Task應該包含動詞,也就是你想找到的答案。比如說,不要只寫:My research was on sugar consumption and obesity。應該寫:My research was on whether sugar consumption was linked to obesity。 Action:交待研究過程的細節,從一句到數句不等。這是整個STAR Method的精華,要具體就需要action有細節。 Results:可以是研究結果,像是發現什麼、改進了什麼、或是在什麼期刊發表什麼paper。Result也可以是你學到的能力或對你的啟發。 STAR method用來寫研究經驗或學術能力,跟投期刊或寫論文的abstract的寫法非常的類似。 有一篇文章說明投稿期刊的論文 abstract 怎麼寫。 users.ece.cmu.edu/~koopman/essays/abstract.html Motivation: Why do we care about the problem and the results? If the problem isn't obviously "interesting" it might be better to put motivation first; but if your work is incremental progress on a problem that is widely recognized as important, then it is probably better to put the problem statement first to indicate which piece of the larger problem you are breaking off to work on. This section should include the importance of your work, the difficulty of the area, and the impact it might have if successful. 這個部份跟STAR method中的Situation很類似,交待一個背景,如果是研究經驗的話,交待的是為什麼要做這個研究?這個問題的大前提是什麼? Problem statement: What problem are you trying to solve? What is the scope of your work (a generalized approach, or for a specific situation)? Be careful not to use too much jargon. In some cases it is appropriate to put the problem statement before the motivation, but usually this only works if most readers already understand why the problem is important. 這個部份跟STAR method中的Task很類似,交待做這個研究的目的,這是繼Situation交待這個研究目的大前提之後,再更細一些說明你這個研究要解決的是什麼問題,為什麼要解決這個問題。回答的時候不要說:多了解XXX。這是廢話,為什麼要多了解XXX? Approach: How did you go about solving or making progress on the problem? Did you use simulation, analytic models, prototype construction, or analysis of field data for an actual product? What was the extent of your work (did you look at one application program or a hundred programs in twenty different programming languages?) What important variables did you control, ignore, or measure? 這個跟STAR method中的Action很類似,為了找出研究問題的答案,你做了什麼?用了什麼樣的研究方法?為什麼不用別的研究方法?研究過程是什麼?用哪一些工具或模型或分析方法? Results: What's the answer? Specifically, most good computer architecture papers conclude that something is so many percent faster, cheaper, smaller, or otherwise better than something else. Put the result there, in numbers. Avoid vague, hand-waving results such as "very", "small", or "significant." If you must be vague, you are only given license to do so when you can talk about orders-of-magnitude improvement. There is a tension here in that you should not provide numbers that can be easily misinterpreted, but on the other hand you don't have room for all the caveats. 這個跟STAR method中的Results有同樣的稱呼,研究成果是什麼?發現什麼?可以是有數據的,你找到什麼樣的答案,改善什麼,也可以是比較qualitative的你找到什麼答案。 Conclusions: What are the implications of your answer? Is it going to change the world (unlikely), be a significant "win", be a nice hack, or simply serve as a road sign indicating that this path is a waste of time (all of the previous results are useful). Are your results general, potentially generalizable, or specific to a particular case? 這個部份在STAR method中還是放在Result的地方,除了交待研究做出來的成果有哪些之外,接下來還需要交待拿到這些成果有什麼樣的意義。可以連結到你後來的研究或工作,也可以連到你未來的研究計畫。 以上這個寫abstract的方法,雖然說是跟研究經驗有關,無論是工作經驗,修課經驗,還是社團經驗,都可以用同一個方法寫。唯一的差別就是寫在SOP之中,除了有STAR method之外,還需要有一個主題句,交待這一整個STAR method中說明的事情跟你的申請有什麼關係。 以下看一個例子: My research experience working on [research topic] motivated me to develop [a research method] to improve human health. I was a research assistant working as part of a team on Professor Lin’s [research project title]. We worked on applying [method] to analyzing [research topic]. Since our lab had no prior experience in [method], I was put in charge of surveying [topic]. These results were later verified in vitro. Based on my findings, I then explored [research topic] using [method] and found [result]. I published my team’s findings in [journal title] as first author. 分析架構:
更多abstract的範例: 以下這個網頁最下面有兩個例子,一個是人文學科的abstract,一個是理工學科的abstract。 writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/abstracts/ 以下這個網頁有七個abstracts,領域包含人文、理工、社會科學等等。 www.umt.edu/ugresearch/umcur/sample_abstracts.php 以下這個網頁有三個abstracts,都是理工學科的。 student.unsw.edu.au/sample-abstracts-writing 更多abstracts,領域包含人文、理工、社會科學等等。 www.urca.msu.edu/abstract-samples 用STAR Method呈述工作經驗 Situation:背景不要只寫:「我於某年在某公司擔任某職位」。這樣寫就只是CV的工作經驗項目用句子重寫一次。Situation還需要包含主要負責的項目。比如說公司可能有很多位Marketing Assistant,但各負責不一樣的行銷的部份。Situation就要除了你是Marketing Assistant之外,再寫你是負責digital marketing in China的部份。或者公司有很多位Software Engineer,大家都是設計手機軟體的,但是又細分很多不一樣的team。Situation就需要寫出你是做手機的相機。除非職位名稱就已經包含分出來的細項。 Task:這個經驗的目的是什麼,可能是找出某問題的解決方法、推銷某產品、改造某企業形象、找出更有效率解決某問題的方法、或是增加某能力。 Action:你做了什麼。如果是合作計畫,要寫出你個人負責什麼項目,你的個人貢獻是什麼。不要只寫we或是my colleagues and I,不然看起來會像是濫宇充數。 Result:可以寫工作表現,像是完成了計畫達成了什麼目標,也可以寫個人學習到什麼,或是這個經驗對你的啟發。 My experience of conducting audit work for developing companies has strengthened my problem-solving and communication skills. I worked as an auditor for KPMG and specialized in compliance. Once I discovered an initial engagement failed to recognize [an auditing problem]. I needed to assist my client’s staff in building up [a system]. I guided them on [building up the system] based on A and B. I also attended several meetings to communicate with the client’s staff to ensure different departments could cooperate in collecting the needed data. Finally, the client successfully set up [the system]. 分析架構:
用STAR Method呈述社團經驗 Reviving a student association which had been inactive for 7 years and which had representatives from 10 departments gave me a similar experience to running a small business. I was the President of the Student Association of the Department of Agriculture at my university. My priority was to resolve its financial problem after 7 years of malfunctioning. I built a team of 8 students and divided them into three teams—[A, B, and C]. To raise funds and awareness of the student association, I came up with two big projects. The first one was to throw the very first Organic Food Fair. I wanted to distinguish this event from standard student events with electro music and excessive drinking; a live band performed guitar country music, and food stalls sold local organic food and beverages. Though tickets were sold at 10 dollars each (higher than standard student events), we managed to sell more than 1000 tickets and brought in revenue of over 7000 dollars. The student association had enough funds to start our next project. 分析架構:
One of the most important extracurricular activities I participated in university was the Animal Welfare Society. I acquired leadership, organizational, and communication skills. I was the President of the Animal Welfare Society, a student organization comprised of 150 members; our aim is to find a balance between stray animals and human beings through capturing and spaying/neutering stray animals. As the President, I was responsible for capturing and spaying/neutering stray dogs and leading the society. I led the team in organizing over 25 activities and dealing with over 200 complaint cases. I trained 5 members to conduct spaying/neutering activities and allocated regions to each member. As for complaint cases, I always contacted every complainer to clarify the situation, while taking the opportunity to explain our method to gain mutual understanding. I also invited complainers to participate in our activities to fully understand how we dealt with problems. As a result, we successfully neutered 80 percent of the stray dogs in these communities, and some complainers became our most avid supporters. Through these experiences, I improved my leadership, organizational, and communication skills, which further contributed to my restructuring the club’s financial system. 分析架構:
無論是描述學術經驗、工作經驗、社團經驗、或是別的經驗,STAR Method都是一個很好用的方式。SOP的主體段落的標準寫法就是第一句寫topic sentence,馬上接著用STAR Method寫四到七句,Action的部份可以寫比較多。 需要注意的是topic sentence要寫出為什麼你要跟評審講這個經驗。Situation要注意的是,除了機構、職位、時間點之外,還需要題目。學術經驗寫研究題目,工作跟社團經驗寫工作項目。 用STAR Method呈述國際觀 SOP中的「國際經驗」「國際觀」非常難寫。 以下寫法都是問題寫法:
這樣的講法完全行不通,反而強調申請者如何「沒有」國際觀。 將心比心一下,如果有一個美國人這樣說,你會有什麼想法:
以上幾個例子都是我真的看過的例子,只是X國名稱代換而已。 分享一支影片,他的statement中的國際經驗描述得很具體、真實,是基於他個人的經驗。看了很有fu。申請者說明為什麼他想成為英文老師,以及他的國際經驗。非常具有參考價值。
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