川普的七個國家名單是怎麼來的? BBC這篇文章提到: These countries were already named as "countries of concern" after a law passed by a Republican-led Congress in 2015 altered a visa admissions programme. 這些國家被認定為countries of concern,或是需要密切注意的國家。 In December 2015 Congress passed a law - created by senators from both parties, and supported and signed by the White House - that removed waiver benefits for foreign nationals who had visited certain countries since March 2011. The countries were identified as having a terrorist organisation with a significant presence in the area, or the country was deemed a "safe haven" for terrorists. waiver benefits: waiver 是指不需要簽證即可入境,waiver benefits就是指有免簽入境的權利 After Libya, Somalia and Yemen were added to the list in February 2016, the "countries of concern" were the seven named in Trump's order. 根據 New America (他們是一個think tank) 的報告,911之後,美國境內發生的恐怖攻擊中,恐怖份子其實大部份是~~~~~美國人,出生於美國的美國人。 第二名依舊是~~~~美國人,但是自然化的美國人。 第三名是~~~~~持有永久居留權的外國人。 BBC文章中的表格一定要看,我不敢複製貼上,所以請同學到BBC網頁上看。 New America的結論就是: According to the New America Foundation, 82% of all terrorism incidents since 2001 were conducted by citizens and permanent residents. Since 9/11, jihadists have killed 94 people inside the United States. 2001年之後發生於美國境內的恐怖攻擊事件之中,恐怖份子有超過八成是美國人或是持有永久居留權的外國人。 意思就是,川普禁止這七個伊斯蘭國家的國民入境美國,理由是「反恐」,跟本不成立。
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