芬蘭於2017年實驗 universal basic income。這個概念在近一兩年來愈來愈紅,大致上意思就是政府會無條件給每個人同樣的基本所得,所以無論有沒有工作,都會拿到一個基本的薪水,如果有工作的話,薪水是加在基本所得之上的。
2017年歐洲以及其它各國開始小規模實驗這個概念。各國的實驗方式各不相同。有一些國家是有條件的,所以沒有完全符合所謂的 universal 這個概念。 這個概念在數十年前做過非常小的實驗,但是由於規模太小,也不太有人研究,因為很少人知道。近幾年由於機器愈來愈有取代人工的趨勢,未來會有愈來愈多人失業,解決的方法之一,就是由政府發給每個人一個基本的收入。 芬蘭是歐洲第一個實驗直接發放沒有工作的人固定所得的國家。他們的作法是,兩千位芬蘭人一個月會直接獲得560歐元。就算他們後來找到工作,他們還是可以繼續領取這560歐元。 其它西方國家會陸續跟進,進行他們各自的實驗。這些國家包含義大利、英國、加拿大、荷蘭等等。 以英國來說,蘇格蘭的Fife 跟Glasgow兩個地區有可能今年會開始進行實驗。最近在英國新聞上討論得蠻熱烈的。有些人覺得這是一個很有社會主義理想的作法,有一些則是認為這個方法完全行不通,因為沒有工作的人有固定的薪水之後,更加不會想找工作,而有工作的人則可能寧願辭去工作,在家閒著也能過生活。 unconditional: 無條件的 monthly sum: a monthly total amount of money, this refers to the 'basic income' gathering interest: gathering is an adj.; increasing interest pilot scheme: an initial, experimental plan social security body: 'body' refers to a government body, a government body is a government office trigger: cause something to happen capital grant: 'capital' refers to 'money' and 'grant' is a subsidy or a payment, this refers to the basic income the populist Finns party: populist means 民粹的 coalition: 聯合,這裡指聯合執政 a leaner, less bureaucratic welfare system: 'leaner' means more efficient especially in terms of spending, 錢花在刀口上, 'bureaucratic' means 官僚的 the concept is steadily gaining traction: more and more people are aware of and agree with the idea automation: 自動化作業 no means test: 'means' here refers to one's livelihood; 'no means test' means the government will not check if the recipient of the basic income has a salary or some form of income; the basic income is unconditional did not have government backing: 'backing' means support unemployment benefit: 'benefit' means (N.) 福利 obligation: duty with an obligation to seek work - and sanctions- attached: this means the basic income is not unconditional, there are conditions which must be met before one can get the basic income grant partly owing to: partly due to or partly because of the gig economy: this refers to self-employed people who do undertake contractual jobs; examples include freelance translators and website designers; 'gig' refers to the internet unwieldy: originally meant to describe a weapon that is too large to carry around easily, this refers to an organisation that is too bureaucratic to be efficient equitable: related to being equal credible: believable that grew in line with: if A grows in line with B, the two are highly related and grow together, there is a positive correlation between the two 兩者有正相關 incentivise: motivate www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jan/03/finland-trials-basic-income-for-unemployed
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