這一位學生一開始是使用我的留學文件潤稿編輯服務。學生是在申請政治所,購買的潤稿項目有 statement 及 essays 等等。後來也有上了留學面試的面試準備課程。最近期則是在上英文寫作。 這位學生讓我印象最深刻的應該是他每一次挑來要上英文寫作的文章都非常非常非常有水準。要不然就是哈佛大學的人文社會學科的教授寫的文章,要不然就是著名的政治學學者、哲學家等等。 下面標綠色的是我的英文簡報課程的介紹,這位學生沒有上口說的部份,只有上summary寫作的部份。 英文簡報 Presentation 課程:
當然,學生要挑什麼樣的文章來寫summary我通常不會有很多意見。條列式的文章比較不適合寫summary,因為資訊片斷,比較難練習上下文、上下句是如何串連起來的。而英文文章很重要的一點就是上下文的邏輯是怎麼推下去的。 另一種比較不適合的文章是文章程度相對於學生英文閱讀程度太高的時候。我有蠻多上summary寫作的學生喜歡挑比較有水準的文章,但是從寫出來的summary可以看得出來,基本看不太懂文章,閱讀都會有問題,當然寫摘要會出狀況。 另一種不適合的文章是很長的文章,由於我的寫作課程我主要是希望讓學生練習英文句子中字跟字的搭配,不是真的在學習如何抓重點,如何濃縮長的文章,太長的文章學生常常會亂抓重點,變成段跟段之間或句跟句之間沒有上下連結,整篇summary閱讀起來像一個很亂的重點大整理,直接用小圓點點寫還比較符合這種片斷的內容。 最後,部落格文章我也不太喜歡。不過要看是誰寫的。有一些歐美的部落格格主寫英文亂寫,拼錯字的,跳躍性思考的,忽前忽後忽上忽下沒有邏輯的,各種狀況都有。跟中文的部落格一樣,程度參差不齊。 至於學生喜歡天文、歷史、時事,還是喜歡電影、明星等流行話題我是覺得都可以。自己讀了開心,學習英文比較快樂。 這位學生挑的文章真是一篇比一篇難。像有一篇我印象很深刻,作者是哈佛的法學院的教授,他是一位 political philosopher,專門討論 justice 跟 liberalism的關係。 Michael J. Sandel (/sænˈdɛl/; born 1953) is an American political philosopher. He is the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor of Government Theory at Harvard University Law School, where his course Justice was the university's first course to be made freely available online and on television. It has been viewed by tens of millions of people around the world, including in China, where Sandel was named the "most influential foreign figure of the year" (China Newsweek).[2] He is also known for his critique of John Rawls' A Theory of Justice in his first book, Liberalism and the Limits of Justice (1982). He was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2002.[3] Sandel subscribes to a certain version of communitarianism (although he is uncomfortable with the label), and in this vein he is perhaps best known for his critique of John Rawls' A Theory of Justice. Rawls' argument depends on the assumption of the veil of ignorance, which he claims allows us to become "unencumbered selves". Sandel's view is that we are by nature encumbered to an extent that makes it impossible even in the hypothetical to have such a veil. Some examples of such ties are those with our families, which we do not make by conscious choice but are born with, already attached. Because they are not consciously acquired, it is impossible to separate oneself from such ties. Sandel believes that only a less-restrictive, looser version of the veil of ignorance should be postulated. Criticism such as Sandel's inspired Rawls to subsequently argue that his theory of justice was not a "metaphysical" theory but a "political" one, a basis on which an overriding consensus could be formed among individuals and groups with many different moral and political views.[5] 我平常很少接觸哲學,所以覺得學生挑的這一篇偏學術論文的文章蠻有挑戰性的。邊教英文寫作,還可以學到 communitarianism 這個之前從來沒聽過的理論,蠻有意思的。教學相長應該就是這樣的~~~ ------------------------------ 學生的心得: 一開始申請學校的時候,我不太清楚如何突顯自己的優勢,也不太能夠掌握評審想看到的內容,因此我找上專業留學編輯Fiona。 在寫SOP的過程中,由於我想在字數限制內呈現自己各方面的表現,導致內容流於表面。Fiona則要我一段只強調一項優勢,並以具體例證充實其內涵,從而使整體論述更有說服力。此外,Fiona會清楚指出寫作內容是否符合文件要求與評審的期待,但同時也非常尊重我的想法。最後Fiona才會就英文給予建議及修改。經過多次修改後,我常感覺整份申請文件煥然一新,變得成熟與專業許多。 在與Fiona來回修改的過程中,我發現我的英文寫作不僅有所進步,也對英文寫作產生了興趣,我想這也是一項意外的收穫吧! 後來在準備獎學金面試的時候,Fiona不僅就我擬好的答案給予非常專業的意見,也仔細地幫我挑出自己不曾察覺的發音與腔調問題,並就如何提升整體專業度給予許多指點。我認為Fiona的專業度、細心、耐心及效率將會是任何徬徨申請者最好的依靠!
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