川普果然是話題天王。才上任第一個星期就製造這麼多話題。 川普到底又做了什麼事?造成全世界轟動!? 繼墨西哥築牆之爭後,接著他說:敘利亞難民從此不限期不准進入美國境內。另外,接下來的九十天,七個伊斯蘭教為主的國家的國民禁止進入美國。七個國家包含 Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen。 這是什麼意思?本來好好在美國工作、求學的人,可能出國渡假或工作,忽然回不了美國了。 看到這則新聞,我的第一個反應是:美國號稱自由民主開放,實際上卻是種族歧視到直接光明正大的執行出來。 川普認為信伊斯蘭教的人都有問題。這就好像在說因為基督徒有少數幾個瘋子變成殺人狂,就說基督徒都有問題。 文章提到: President Trump’s executive order on immigration quickly reverberated through the United States and across the globe on Saturday, slamming the border shut for an Iranian scientist headed to a lab in Boston, an Iraqi who had worked as an interpreter for the United States Army, and a Syrian refugee family headed to a new life in Ohio, among countless others. slam the border shut: usually 'slam the door' shut but here the original phrase is modified to 'slam the border shut' 把門碰一聲關上 reverberate: 震動,這裡做引伸義「震驚」使用 有一位是伊朗來的科學家,一位是伊拉克來的的口譯員,他們都不能進入美國。 Around the nation, security officers at major international gateways had new rules to follow. Humanitarian organizations scrambled to cancel long-planned programs, delivering the bad news to families who were about to travel. Refugees who were airborne on flights when the order was signed were detained at airports. scramble to do something: to do something in a big hurry airborne: in the air (on a plane) be detained: to be kept in custody, to be held (usually for political issues or other sensitive issues) 甚至已經出發搭上飛機飛往美國的難民卡在機場,不能入境。 Reports rapidly surfaced Saturday morning of students attending American universities who were blocked from getting back into the United States from visits abroad. One student said in a Twitter post that he would be unable to study at Yale. Another who attends the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was refused permission to board a plane. Stanford University was reportedly working to help a Sudanese student return to California. surfaced: used as a verb here, meaning 'to come to the surface' 某個問題浮現出來 有一些回不了美國的人是學生,像文章提到有Yale的學生,有MIT的學生,有Stanford的學生。 Human rights groups reported that legal permanent residents of the United States who hold green cards were being stopped in foreign airports as they sought to return from funerals, vacations or study abroad — a clear indication that Mr. Trump’s directive is being applied broadly. 就算是有綠卡,也是回不了美國。 directive: (N.) order 這篇文章接下來給很多個人親身例子,英文算是比較好閱讀,但是文章有一些長。 重點是,接下來怎麼辦?已經有律師要挑戰這個決定,說川普這個作法跟本就是違法的。 如果真實世界是電玩遊戲文明帝國,川普就是喜歡找各國麻煩,到處宣戰的那種政治領袖。挑戰完墨西哥,再來一次挑戰整個伊斯蘭地區。
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